Our music explores the terrain of Slovak folklore and redesigns it in a modern key, in which the passions and experiences of the individual musicians, from jazz to swing, from Latin music to Gypsy music, harmoniously converge. ĽAĽA! is not just a meeting of cultures; it is a search for a common language, a continuous dialogue between the intimate and the universal. By keeping the original message of traditional music intact, it tells the stories of the past with a new but always authentic nuance.

ĽAĽA! is an entirely acoustic ensemble that was born from the meeting of Eva Miškovičová with Sergio Aloisio Rizzo, Roberto Beneventi and Filippo Pedol.
Eva, a singer specialising in traditional Slovak music, after her many years of experience in Bratislava as the lead vocalist of the national folklore orchestra SĽUK, moved to Italy, approached the world of jazz and began collaborating with Sergio (guitar) and Roberto (accordion), musicians very active in the Italian jazz scene and beyond, who have performed on various stages in Italy and abroad (Barga Jazz Festival, Bologna Jazz fest, Raduno mediterraneo manouche, Royal Albert Hall - London, Pennabilli Django Fest, Bimhuis - Amsterdam. ..) and have collaborated with some of the most renowned jazz musicians (Richard Galliano, Stefano "Cocco" Cantini, Gabriele Evangelista, Nico Gori, Maurizio Giammarco...); having come into contact with the repertoire of Eva's roots, they immediately welcomed it with enthusiasm and interest and spontaneously intertwined it with their own baggage of experiences and passions.